What is the percentage of black population in Camden NJ?

Camden Demographics
Black or African American: 42.48% Other race: 27.96% White: 20.7%

Is Camden County the same county as Camden NJ

The city of Camden is in the state of New Jersey and the county seat is Camden. Camden is situated across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, in the Delaware Valley, and is the tenth largest city in the nation.

What is Camden known for?

CSD has three tourist attractions, the Adventure Aquarium,the Waterfront Music Pavilion, and theUSS New Jersey.

What is the safest part of Camden?

The area between the Rutgers University-Camden campus and the city’s small central business district contains Downtown. Camden is safe and can be found patrolled by police.

In which city does the percentage of black population come from?

Camden has a demographic. 18.7% are coloured but black or African American is 42.4%

Is a good place to live in Camden New Hampshire?

Its not as bad as people say, although it’s not as good as they think. The city has attracted a lot of small businesses. The population of Camden is not as good as other areas.

Is Camden a good place to live?

Camden isn’t as bad as people think. The city has attracted business due to the decrease in Crime. Camden isn’t very safe and is not as good a place to live in.

Why did Camden decline?

Social unrest began due to the fight for jobs and the changes in the neighborhoods that were built on ethnic ties by the white working class and the new African American and Puerto Rican communities. There were political factors as well as economic ones.

What is Camden known for?

The Camden waterfront has three attractions for tourists, the one related to the New Jersey shore.

What is the safest part ofCamden NJ.

The Rutgers University-Camden campus is located in the downtown area. Camden is safe and can be found patrolled by police.

What county is Camden in?

Camden County, New Jersey’s official Website.

Is Camden a suburb?

Camden is one of the countries in the United States. There is a suburb of Philadelphia. The Delaware River splits from Philadelphia. Camden was incorporated in the year 1828.

Camden NJ is a nice place to live.

If people were to believe what they would think about Camden. The city has attracted lots of new businesses. Camden is not as safe as other Areas, because it is not very good to live in.

What is the safest part ofCamden NJ.

A Rutgers University-Camden campus and a small central business district are also in the downtown area. The Camden waterfront is safe due to the presence of police.