Camden New Jersey is known for something.

TheAdventure Aquarium is situated on the Camden waterfront and is one of three tourist attractions.

What county in Camden, New Jersey?

The official Website of Camden County, NJ.

Is Camden County similar to Camden NJ?

Camden is a city in the state of New Jersey and is in the county of Camden. Camden is a part of the Delaware Valley and is located across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, the sixth most populous city in the country.

In Camden, NJ, what is the percentage of black population?

The Camden population is demographic. The other race was 27.96% White.

Why did Camden go down?

Camden’s GDP fell because of the Great Depression. City employees were unable to pay in currency by mid-1930s.

What percent of black population in the city?

demographic information of Camden Other race: 27.98 White: 20.7%

Why did Camden decline?

The Great Depression caused economic prosperity to decline in Camden. The city didn’t have a currency for paying its workers in scrip by the 1930s.

Camden NJ is a nice place to live.

Camden is not as bad as some people would think. The city has attracted a bunch of new businesses. It’s not as safe to live in Camden as it is in other parts of the country.

What is what in Camden New Jersey known for?

Camden is located across the Delaware River from Philadelphia and is currently suffering. The sky-high crimeRATE has been caused by decades of disinvestment and mismanagement.

Do some people think Camden NJ is the same as Camden County?

Camden is a city in New Jersey and is a county seat. Camden is located across the Delaware River from Philadelphia and is the sixth most populous metropolitan area in the country.

What is the population of Camden New Jersey?

There are three tourist attractions on the Camden waterfront.

Camden dropped off in the past, why is it continuing?

The Great Depression led to a decline in economic prosperity. The city had to use scrip to pay their workers because they couldn’t pay in dollars.