Camden declined.

The city had to pay workers in scrip because they did not have a currency to use.

Why did Camden decline?

The Great Depression left Camden with a decline in prosperity. By the mid-1930s the city could not pay its workers in currency because of the scrip being used.

Are there any nice areas around Camden NJ?

A short drive from the city of Philadelphia is Haddonfield, a wooded paradise on the edge of Camden city. Haddonfield is one of the best suburbs in the town and has some of the best public schools in the area.

There are some nice areas in Camden.

Haddonfield, which is located on the edge of Camden, can be reached via a road located just a short distance away from Philadelphia. Haddonfield is ranked as being among the best suburbs in the area and having some of the best public schools.

There are some nice areas in Camden.

It is located on the edge of the Camden city with a short drive from the city of Philadelphia. The township of Haddonfield is one of the nicer suburbs in the area with good public schools and ranked among the best.

Camden is famous.

It should be said that Camden is the home of many famous people including Charles Dickens, John eksteen and George Bernard Shaw. Camden is a multi-cultural area near the heart of London.